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Extradition Case Lawyers Dubai

Extradition Case Lawyers


Discreet and Thorough Harassment Lawyers

BR Law Firm ( Office Of Hassan Tamim Advocates & Legal Consultants ) with a team Of Extradition Lawyers in Dubai for all kind of Extradition cases with adept at upholding the latter sentiment.

Extradition is the process of handing over an individual accused or convicted of a crime to the country where the crime was committed. The country where the crime occurred is known as the requesting country and the country where the accused is being extradited from is known as the requested country. Extradition spans the legal, political and diplomatic areas of a country. Therefore, it requires maintaining a fine balance between the three.

What Can An Extradition Lawyer Do ???

In the UAE, there are extradition laws in place based on international treaties and national laws. Since extradition as a process requires extensive knowledge of the laws and procedures of two jurisdictions, you must ensure that you hire one of the best extradition lawyers in Dubai. BR Law Firm comprises the most competent extradition lawyers in Dubai. Our extradition lawyers have an intimate knowledge of the laws of UAE and other countries on extradition and its related procedures. In the UAE, extradition is governed by Federal Law Number 39 of 2006 on Mutual Judicial Co-Operation in criminal matters. BR Law Firm extradition lawyers are well-versed in this law and will ensure that your case is dealt with expeditiously.

If you or someone you know is served with an extradition request while you are in the UAE, the first step you must do is contact an extradition lawyer. Our extradition lawyers will act as your legal counsel and do the necessary to ensure that favorable outcomes are achieved. They will first and foremost ensure that your rights are being upheld, handle all the proceedings and even represent you in court. Our extradition lawyers have more than X years of experience in dealing with these cases. They will ensure that your case is analyzed top to bottom and that a solid defense is built for you, should the need arise.

Contact Us +971 50 353 8199 , BR Law Firm ( Office Of Hassan Tamim Advocates & Legal Consultants ) for a Extradition Case.

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