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Sharia Law Experts UAE

Sharia Law In UAE


Sharia law forms the basis of the UAE legal system and rules civil, criminal, and commercial matters of citizens and expatriates. If you are unsure of this law and need advice on any of the previously mentioned categories, BR Law Firm’s Sharia law experts can be of great help. BR Law Firm is a legal practitioner in the UAE with offices in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Ras al Khaimah. With nearly 10 years of footing in the legal landscape, BR Law Firm’s Sharia law experts are renowned for their proficiency and deep knowledge of Sharia law. This is important because all legal matters in the UAE are regulated by Sharia or Islamic law, and lawyers with strong knowledge of this legal system can manage cases and offer legal counsel effectively.

The legal system of the UAE is divided into civil, criminal, and Sharia systems. Muslim citizens and expatriates are tried exclusively under Sharia law, whether their case is civil, criminal, or commercial. Sharia law is taken from the Quran and Hadith. It is a nuanced legal framework and studied extensively by scholars and legal experts.

Sharia Law Provides For:

  • Civil matters like marriage, divorce, child custody, alimony, adultery, inheritance, etc
  • Criminal matters like robbery, rape, murder, driving under the influence, alcohol consumption, etc
  • Commercial matters like riba (interest), gharar (fair dealings), business transactions, trade, finance, banking, etc

Punishments and rulings are interpreted differently based on the Emirate where the case is being tried. This is why it is important to hire lawyers who not only have proficient knowledge of the national interpretations but regional interpretations, too. Our Sharia law experts at BR Law Firm fit the bill! They have rich experience in representing clients and cases where Sharia law was applied and have provided our clients with the results they expected. They are fluent in 7 languages and 21 local Arabic dialects. Our Sharia law experts ensure that the proper legalities apply to your case and deliver excellent results.

Not sure if your case will be governed by Sharia law? Give us a ring at +971 50 353 8199 , and we’ll be happy to assist you with this query.

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